Worst First Date Ideas

Below is a list of our favorite worst first date ideas, which we have compiled from real articles. If you choose to do any of the bad or weird date ideas on this list, be prepared for the possibility of disaster. Doing all of them would be like a fun challenge, but be warned – these date ideas may not go as planned. Proceed at your own risk!

Worst First Date Ideas

Going to a taxidermist’s shop on a first date may be seen as strange or off-putting, and may make your date feel uncomfortable. This could be a very strange and potentially off-putting experience for your date.

Going to a Strip Club

Unless you met on a secret dating app, going to a strip club on a first date may be seen as disrespectful or inappropriate, and may make your date feel uncomfortable.

Attending your Uncle’s Funeral

Attending your uncle’s funeral. This is not a typical or enjoyable activity for a first date since , and could be seen as inappropriate. It may also be a somber and emotional experience that is not suitable for a lighthearted first date.

Going to a Sex Museum or Store

This could be seen as too forward or inappropriate for a first date. It may not be an activity that your date is comfortable with, and it may not be a good opportunity to get to know each other.

Going to a Firing Range

Going to a firing range could be seen as dangerous or aggressive, and may not be an appropriate activity for a first date. It may not be an activity that your date is interested in, and it may not be a good opportunity to get to know each other.

Going to a Prison Visit

Going to a prison could be seen as morbid or disturbing, and is not a typical or enjoyable activity for a first date.

Taking Your Date to a Local Little League Game

A little league game may not be an activity that your date is interested in. If they are not a sports fans or do not enjoy watching children’s sporting events, they may not find the experience enjoyable!

Going on a Movie Marathon Binge

A movie marathon binge may not be an activity that your date is interested in. If they are not a fan of movies or do not enjoy long periods of sitting and watching films, they may not find the experience enjoyable.

Going to ComicCon

Going to comicon may not be an activity that your date is interested in. If they are not a fan of comics or pop culture, they may not find the experience enjoyable and ComicCon can be a crowded and busy event– not a conducive environment for getting to know someone.

More Bad First Date Ideas

Believe it or not there are more bad or weird date first ideas you can choose from.

Go on a beach date

Going on a beach date sounds romantic, but let’s be real, you’ll just end up getting sand in your pants and sunburned. Who needs that kind of stress?

Take a zumba class together

A Zumba class together, sounds like a great idea, but in reality, you’ll just end up stepping on each other’s toes and feeling like a hot mess.

Go to a sex museum or store.

A sex museum or store? That’s just awkward, why would you want to do that on a first date?

Go to an abandoned construction site at night

Going to an abandoned construction site at night? That’s just asking for trouble, ghost stories, and potential arrests.

Go geocaching

Geocaching? More like geocreeper-ing.

Wake up at 4am and watch the sun rise together

Waking up at 4am to watch the sunrise? Who in their right mind wants to wake up that early, unless you’re a farmer or a rooster.

Go foraging for edible plants and make dinner

Foraging for edible plants and making dinner? Good luck with that, unless you’re a survival expert, you’re going to end up eating poison ivy and calling for take out.

Give Blood

Giving blood? That’s just messed up, save that for a second date if you’re into that kind of thing.

Pick up trash along the side of a highway

Picking up trash along the side of the highway? Sure, it’s noble, but it’s also dirty, smelly and not romantic at all.

Attend a slam poetry reading

Unless you’re both poets, it’s going to be a snoozefest. 

Go to a video game-athon with your friends

Going to a video game-athon with your friends? That’s just a recipe for disaster, you’re better off playing video games alone.

Play Paintball

Unless you’re both into that kind of thing, it’s going to be a painful experience.

Go to a tailgate party

That’s just asking for a bunch of drunk, rowdy strangers to ruin your date.

Go Camping

Unless you’re both into roughing it, it’s just going to be a smelly, bug-filled nightmare.

Go on a stroll in sub-zero weather

Sounds like a great way to catch a cold and ruin the rest of your date.

Go to the Mall

Unless you’re both into window shopping and getting lost in a sea of people, it’s just going to be boring.

Attend an open mic night or karaoke event

Unless you’re both into public humiliation and bad singing, it’s just going to be cringy.

Participate in a blood donation drive

Sure, it’s noble, but it’s also not the most comfortable or romantic activity to do on a first date.

Go beach cleaning or trash picking at the park

Unless you’re both into getting dirty and picking up other people’s trash, it’s not going to be a pleasant experience.

Attend a child’s birthday party

Unless you’re both into screaming kids, cake and clowns, it’s just going to be chaotic.

Go mushroom picking for dinner

Unless you’re both into hunting and gathering your food, it’s just going to be a weird and potentially dangerous experience.

Have a spa night

Unless you’re both into getting pampered, it’s just going to be a boring and expensive.

Go disco night at a local nightclub

Unless you’re both into dancing and sweating with a bunch of strangers, it’s just going to be uncomfortable.

Run a marathon or half-marathon

Unless you’re both into running and pushing your bodies to the limit, it’s just going to be a bad idea.

Have a beach picnic

Unless you’re both into sand, sun and seagulls, it’s just going to be a mess.

Have a vegan meal

Unless you’re both into eating vegetables, it’s just going to be a bland and unsatisfying experience.

Have an intimate dinner in a private booth

Unless you’re both into eating in silence, it’s just going to be awkward.

Go to a movie

Unless you’re both into watching the same film, it’s just going to be a waste of time and money.

Attend a family gathering

Unless you’re both into meeting a bunch of strangers and dealing with family drama, it’s just going to be a bad idea.

Go on a group date with friends

Unless you’re both into hanging out with other people, it’s just going to be a crowded and chaotic experience.

Hang out at your place.

Unless you’re both into being cooped up and watching Netflix, it’s just going to be boring.

Have a finger food dinner.

Unless you’re both into eating with your hands and making a mess, it’s just going to be unappetizing.

Go thrift shopping

Go to the laundromat

Laundry dates are only for the movies; Don’t make them do your errands with you!

Have a Movie Marathon Binge

You just met them, this probably isn’t the best time to spend 6+ hours together watching movies.

Take a Quick Trip to Get Your Oil Changed

Go Babysitting

Have an exercise date at your local gym